Tag Archives: photographer

Photo of the day – 16/05/17

This pictures comes from a shooting I was very proud to shoot since Giulia is a girl from Milan that, after looking to my wedding pictures, decided to drive about 7-8 hours just to be able to arrange a portrait session with me. This is most valuable of any award…

Engagement in Villa Demidoff Park

Tuscany, land of sun and…..ehm no, not this time   Last sunday we had rain and cold weather for Alessia and Daniele’s engagement but weather was just a mere detail so we had our engagement session anyway! We started during a stormy weather under the “loggetta Bondi” at Giardino dell’Orticoltura…

“Just” a wedding photographer ?

Am I just a wedding photographer ? I work each and every day to avoid being just a wedding photographer so I hope the answer is no.   I strongly believe that a Photographer needs to prove his skills in various kind of photography, I do believe that a Photographer needs…

photo of the day – 10/05/17

wow, this pictures is from a long time ago, I think this was one of my first shootings and I really had fun working with Sara. She’s a very sweet girl from Tuscany and also a dancer/dance teacher, we worked 2 times together and we always came back with good pictures…

Photo of the day – 09/05/17

Today’s pictures is shot I took last sunday during an engagement shooting here in Florence surroundings (Villa Demidoff, Pratolino). I was staring at the rays of light that came after a long rainy day, we were alone in the park surrounded by running deers and hares, there was a perfect silence…

Photo of the day – 04/05/17

Hello guys   this is an old shot I did during a photoshoot with my friend Viola, a beautiful dancer that posed a lot of times for my shootings. As you can see I do like to shoot also other kind of works than Weddings, I think this will remain one…

Photo of the day – 28/04/17

“Ladies and Gentlemen please welcooooooooooome Mohammed “Maravillaaaaaaaaaa” Obbadi”   Mohammed is the actual European Flyweight boxing champion and I had the pleasure to met him and shot some portrait before he started his daily training. He’s not just a champion, he’s also a very nice person too and I was amazed…

Trash the dress in Florence

Have you ever been to Florence ? If you haven’t I can only tell you that you NEED to visit the city, you’ll love it for sure. if you have…..have you ever walked in the desert streets at dawn ? That’s the best way to appreciate our magnificent city without…

Photo of the day – 25/04/17

Hello guys   I took this picture yesterday morning and it’s part of a “trash the dress” shooting I was asked to shoot the morning after the wedding. We shot at dawn and, as usual, Florence was at its best with no people and an amazing light that helped me to…

check my Blog for more pictures