Photo of the day – 04/05/17

Hello guys   this is an old shot I did during a photoshoot with my friend Viola, a beautiful dancer that posed a lot of times for my shootings. As you can see I do like to shoot also other kind of works than Weddings, I think this will remain one…

Bookings for 2018 wedding season

Hello guys   I’m glad that things are going so well and I’m already planning my 2018 wedding season, if you think I may be the right photographer for your wedding in Italy or abroad just let me know and we can talk about it, I would be honored to be…

Photo of the day – 28/04/17

“Ladies and Gentlemen please welcooooooooooome Mohammed “Maravillaaaaaaaaaa” Obbadi”   Mohammed is the actual European Flyweight boxing champion and I had the pleasure to met him and shot some portrait before he started his daily training. He’s not just a champion, he’s also a very nice person too and I was amazed…

Trash the dress in Florence

Have you ever been to Florence ? If you haven’t I can only tell you that you NEED to visit the city, you’ll love it for sure. if you have…..have you ever walked in the desert streets at dawn ? That’s the best way to appreciate our magnificent city without…

Photo of the day – 25/04/17

Hello guys   I took this picture yesterday morning and it’s part of a “trash the dress” shooting I was asked to shoot the morning after the wedding. We shot at dawn and, as usual, Florence was at its best with no people and an amazing light that helped me to…

Working with a champion

  what can I say ? this 2017 seems to be the year of champions ! 2 days ago I had the chance to work with another boxing champion, Mohammed Obbadi, the actual flyweight european champion. I met him in front of the gym and I really appreciated the man from…

Goods news

Hello guys   Good news, I just planned another cool shooting next week and I will work again with a sporting champion. Can’t wait to start shooting! stay tuned since I’m sure we will do something remarkable   ciao from Italy

Photo of the day – 12/04/17

Hi guys   This is one of my oldest shot (I think I shot this just after 3-4 months I bought my first digital reflex camera), the model helped a lot with her beauty and her skills, actually I would shot it a little different buy I’m still proud of…

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