Nuovo corso base di fotografia digitale

ciao a tutti, Visto il successo dei corsi della scorsa “stagione” (corso base e corso lightroom) diamo il via alle iscrizioni per il nuovo corso base di fotografia digitale che è previsto partire il giorno 23 Gennaio  (martedi) con gli stessi orari dei precedenti (21,15 – 23,15) presso il MIPstudio in via Volterrana…

Wedding in Black & White

Have you ever thought about having a totally black and white wedding ? I did and that’s why I would like to offer you a special discount if you are willing to hire me for a black and white wedding photography shooting! I do love challenges and this would be a cool…

Photo of the day – 13/09/17

hello people! today I’m going to feature a picture that I just edited and that like a lot. I had to “clean” the background from stairs, doors, signs and plants but I’m happy about the result since it reminds me of some ancient palace in India and the couple is…

Photo of the day

I always say that having the right people in front of you is going to make 70% of the pictures. I’m not talking about beauty (even if they are gorgeous as you can see), I’m talking about people in love, people not afraid to show their feelings and people with…

Featured on La Bride !

Hello folks, I’m so happy since I’ve been featured on La Bride blog, it’s really a pleaseure since this is a work I cherish a lot since Martina and Simone are a special couple to me. they have been the first couple to be in front of my camera years…

Featured on Fly Away Bride !

good news today ! I just got featured on one of the most important wedding blogs,  Fly Away Bride (   I’m so happy about it since I think that was one of my best work so far and I really had fun shooting it, mostly thanks to the special…

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