This is something that in our community has been asked a lot of times since this is the first time ever that professional wedding photographers like me had free time in spring and summer.
I decided to take the good side of this bad season (it should have been my best so far but in the end I will just shoot 4-5 weddings since 90% have been postponed) even if I am missing the income but I was lucky that in the past I was able to have some savings soooooo…. I decided to have fun instead of spending my time thinking to what it could have been.
In the meantime I turned 40 and I tought that 2020 should have been the right year to do all the things I have no chance to do usually and also to do more commercial and portrait works since I love doing them
I won’t make a list but I will just show you some pictures, in the end I am still a photographer, it’s just a little chronicle about the last monts with no professional pictures.
March 2020, Virginia started reading comics at 5
April 2020, we learned how to make croissant
April 2020. Epic Zoom call with my colleagues Federico Zaza and Andrea Di Cienzo
April 2020, trying to explain to Virginia that Lockdown was extended
April 2020. Caterina asked for a personal camera
May 2020. The first day after Lockdown, we went outside for a walk and it felt BEAUTIFUL
May 2020. We discovered a new trail just next to our home
May 2020. Virginia learned to ride the bike
May 2020. My first professional shot after Covid19 lockdown
May 2020. I turned 40
May 2020. Went back to the seaside with my girls
May 2020. First portrait job after lockdown with the MMA Champion Chiara Penco
June 2020. Walking in my desert Florence
June 2020. Uffizi gallery with no people
June 2020. Caterina turned 3
June 2020. I drove a Formula Ford for the first time
June 2020. MargheritaHack entered our family
June 2020. Debut on minimoto at Sestopista (
July 2020. A video work for Fondazione Alice ONLUS, please check to know more about them and, if you can, please donate.
July 2020. did a Kid session after years (I had no time before)
July 2020. First time in a Studio recording my drums for a song (ISI Produzioni)
July 2020. Backstage of 2021 campaign shot for Leone1947 (Milan)
July 2020. Testing a Legends Car at Castelletto Circuit
me in one of the happiest moments ever ( )
August 2020, working with an MMA UFC Legend, Marvin Vettori for Leone1947
August 2020, some relax at the seaside in Tuscany
September 2020, the first steps to become an amateur Racing Driver
September 2020, I jumped off from an airplane at 4000mt. AMAZING !
September 2020, Legend Car and Kart sessions to train myself
and now I want to know how did you spent these strange months!
October 2020, I shot a campaign for Lowengrube (Photo credits S. Miglietta)
October 2020, back to mainstream boxing on Dazn, my favourite shot from that night
October 2020, my best time on Castelletto Circuit (Photo Credits A. Ventura)
I just got back shooting weddings and it feels amazing as always!