Photographer’s memories from a special week in Las Vegas

As you know from my previous posts my Las Vegas work trip was a blast and it was very profitable since I had a lot of good feedbacks and got involved in some cool stuff with companies and hopefully brands (I will let you know in the next days) but it was also the chance to have some holiday and have a good time in a place literally made for having fun.


I had the pleasure to watch a couple of shows li “Cirque du Soleil – Michael Jackson One” and the great “Raiding the rock vault” (yes, I am a rocker and an amateur drummer) then I could spend a day just walking along the strip since I needed some fresh air after 3 days at WPPI inside Mandalay Bay Hotel.

It was very fun and very different from my usual trip so I decided to post a selection of my personal pictures (most of them shot with my smartphone and a few with my Sony A7III+28mm f2)just to show you that I do not shoot just for work but it’s something that’s natural for a photographer like me, almost like breathing


here they are !

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