Love at first sight, that’s what I felt with Castello di Badia at Poggibonsi (SI) in Tuscany, Italy.
I loved the place, loved the castle himself, loved the owner Nicola but mostly I loved the couple that hired me to shoot their wedding there.
Virginia was a joy to deal with from the beginning, nobody ever asked me “Would you please accept our request to be our wedding photographer? we would be delighted” so it was a good start indeed.
They were so sweet, they had those giant heart shaped eyes when they looked at each other, it was really emotional to be there witnessing their wedding.
They decided to get married in the woods and it was really an amazing idea, then we moved for the shots and the reception in the castle, a beautiful setting for a beautiful wedding.
this was one of the funniest wedding I ever shot, I cried a little bit (but my cameras help me to hide everytime) and I was really happy to have met them and shot their wedding.
I might sound cheesy but this is one of the day that make you say “yes, I do love my job”
here’s the pictures, due to privacy I cannot put the whole work so a lot of groom and portraits are missing
Photographer: Matteo Innocenti
Location: Castello di Badia
Catering: Class